In this project, we have successfully automated the process of making an NFT by using AI, We have used "hugging face" as our AI model to make these NFTs Image. We are also storing them using "NFT.Storage" as a connection to IPFS. All a user have to do is Describe an image and give the NFT a name and this Dapp will mint a brand new NFT in seconds with ease.

Our Contribution & Output

Back-end work

NFT.sol(smart Contract)

Here we are importing from Open-Zeppelin, it's a open source library for secure smart contract development. For this project we have used some utils from it and some contracts also. We have used ERC721 contract for the NFT creation and deployment. We have also imported the ERC721Extension also for additional features.

We have made a function to mint NFTs This will also link that NFT to the person minting it. It will also update all the detail related to this new NFT.

Front-end work

App.js(frontend code)

Technology Stack & Tools

  • Solidity for Writing Smart Contracts and Tests

  • JavaScript in React and Testing

  • Hardhat as Development Framework

  • Ethers.js for Blockchain Interaction with the frontend

  • React.js as the Frontend Framework

  • NFT.Storage as the Connection to IPFS

  • Hugging Face( ) as the AI Models for creating the Nft image.

Setting Up

1. Install Dependencies:

$ npm install

2. Setup .env file:

Before running any scripts, create a .env file with the following values (see .env.example):



create an account on Hugging Face, visit your profile settings, and create a read access token.

Also, create an account on NFT.Storage, and create a new API key.

3. Run tests

$ npx hardhat test

4. Start Hardhat node

$ npx hardhat node

5. Run deployment script

In a separate terminal execute: $ npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

6. Start frontend

$ npm run start


The Main user screen will look like this-

Then the account address will be displayed that is connected -

On providing a name and description the user will have to pay the gas fee-

Once the Gas fee is paid the NFT will be Minted-

User Can also view the Metadata For that NFT-


In this project, we have successfully automated the process of making an NFT by using AI, We have used "hugging face" as our AI model to make these NFTs Image. We are also storing them using "NFT.Storage" as a connection to IPFS. All a user have to do is Describe an image and give the NFT a name and this Dapp will mint a brand new NFT in seconds with ease.

Our Contribution & Output

Back-end work

NFT.sol(smart Contract)

Here we are importing from Open-Zeppelin, it's a open source library for secure smart contract development. For this project we have used some utils from it and some contracts also. We have used ERC721 contract for the NFT creation and deployment. We have also imported the ERC721Extension also for additional features.

We have made a function to mint NFTs This will also link that NFT to the person minting it. It will also update all the detail related to this new NFT.

Front-end work

App.js(frontend code)

Technology Stack & Tools

  • Solidity for Writing Smart Contracts and Tests

  • JavaScript in React and Testing

  • Hardhat as Development Framework

  • Ethers.js for Blockchain Interaction with the frontend

  • React.js as the Frontend Framework

  • NFT.Storage as the Connection to IPFS

  • Hugging Face( ) as the AI Models for creating the Nft image.

Setting Up

1. Install Dependencies:

$ npm install

2. Setup .env file:

Before running any scripts, create a .env file with the following values (see .env.example):



create an account on Hugging Face, visit your profile settings, and create a read access token.

Also, create an account on NFT.Storage, and create a new API key.

3. Run tests

$ npx hardhat test

4. Start Hardhat node

$ npx hardhat node

5. Run deployment script

In a separate terminal execute: $ npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

6. Start frontend

$ npm run start


The Main user screen will look like this-

Then the account address will be displayed that is connected -

On providing a name and description the user will have to pay the gas fee-

Once the Gas fee is paid the NFT will be Minted-

User Can also view the Metadata For that NFT-


In this project, we have successfully automated the process of making an NFT by using AI, We have used "hugging face" as our AI model to make these NFTs Image. We are also storing them using "NFT.Storage" as a connection to IPFS. All a user have to do is Describe an image and give the NFT a name and this Dapp will mint a brand new NFT in seconds with ease.

Our Contribution & Output

Back-end work

NFT.sol(smart Contract)

Here we are importing from Open-Zeppelin, it's a open source library for secure smart contract development. For this project we have used some utils from it and some contracts also. We have used ERC721 contract for the NFT creation and deployment. We have also imported the ERC721Extension also for additional features.

We have made a function to mint NFTs This will also link that NFT to the person minting it. It will also update all the detail related to this new NFT.

Front-end work

App.js(frontend code)

Technology Stack & Tools

  • Solidity for Writing Smart Contracts and Tests

  • JavaScript in React and Testing

  • Hardhat as Development Framework

  • Ethers.js for Blockchain Interaction with the frontend

  • React.js as the Frontend Framework

  • NFT.Storage as the Connection to IPFS

  • Hugging Face( ) as the AI Models for creating the Nft image.

Setting Up

1. Install Dependencies:

$ npm install

2. Setup .env file:

Before running any scripts, create a .env file with the following values (see .env.example):



create an account on Hugging Face, visit your profile settings, and create a read access token.

Also, create an account on NFT.Storage, and create a new API key.

3. Run tests

$ npx hardhat test

4. Start Hardhat node

$ npx hardhat node

5. Run deployment script

In a separate terminal execute: $ npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network localhost

6. Start frontend

$ npm run start


The Main user screen will look like this-

Then the account address will be displayed that is connected -

On providing a name and description the user will have to pay the gas fee-

Once the Gas fee is paid the NFT will be Minted-

User Can also view the Metadata For that NFT-



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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence




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