Build a platform to connect payment gateway

The client wanted to build a platform to connect with a payment gateway to integrate with their existing backend in .NET Core using MSSQL Server in Azure cloud. ID verification using school bank accounts and/or personal teacher bank accounts as entered by teachers.

Trip Payments

The client was operating in United States and Canada. They were collecting funds for field trips, etc. from a group of parents (in a classroom) and depositing the sum in one transaction into one of the mentioned accounts.

Their on-boarding process was frictionless for teachers. By knowing what country a school or teacher was in (Canada or US to start), the client needed to collect funds on their behalf right away with Stripe Connect Custom (manual transfers). The first time funds were due to a school for an engagement/event/trip, at that time the bank (most minimal) information would be required for the user to deposit into their account. A 1.5% transaction fee, plus all Stripe fees would be applied on top of the funds needed by the school. Funds would be gathered by the platform and put though as a single transaction to save on fees.

Stripe’s Background

Connect is a feature that allow users to create a platform where they can connect sub-accounts to collect funds and payout third-parties. With this feature one will be able to collect payments on behalf of your users and transfer it to them with ease.

Our Solution

The solution was to build this similar to an escrow system. The SaaS platform had a bank account where all the funds were kept. The funds were disbursed as per the instructions of the teacher handling the account. The stack would be a .NET Core and SQLServer on Azure.

Technology Used

  • C#

  • .net core

  • API

  • SQLServer

  • Stripe

  • Connect

  • KYC

  • ID

  • OAuth

Build a platform to connect payment gateway

The client wanted to build a platform to connect with a payment gateway to integrate with their existing backend in .NET Core using MSSQL Server in Azure cloud. ID verification using school bank accounts and/or personal teacher bank accounts as entered by teachers.

Trip Payments

The client was operating in United States and Canada. They were collecting funds for field trips, etc. from a group of parents (in a classroom) and depositing the sum in one transaction into one of the mentioned accounts.

Their on-boarding process was frictionless for teachers. By knowing what country a school or teacher was in (Canada or US to start), the client needed to collect funds on their behalf right away with Stripe Connect Custom (manual transfers). The first time funds were due to a school for an engagement/event/trip, at that time the bank (most minimal) information would be required for the user to deposit into their account. A 1.5% transaction fee, plus all Stripe fees would be applied on top of the funds needed by the school. Funds would be gathered by the platform and put though as a single transaction to save on fees.

Stripe’s Background

Connect is a feature that allow users to create a platform where they can connect sub-accounts to collect funds and payout third-parties. With this feature one will be able to collect payments on behalf of your users and transfer it to them with ease.

Our Solution

The solution was to build this similar to an escrow system. The SaaS platform had a bank account where all the funds were kept. The funds were disbursed as per the instructions of the teacher handling the account. The stack would be a .NET Core and SQLServer on Azure.

Technology Used

  • C#

  • .net core

  • API

  • SQLServer

  • Stripe

  • Connect

  • KYC

  • ID

  • OAuth

Build a platform to connect payment gateway

The client wanted to build a platform to connect with a payment gateway to integrate with their existing backend in .NET Core using MSSQL Server in Azure cloud. ID verification using school bank accounts and/or personal teacher bank accounts as entered by teachers.

Trip Payments

The client was operating in United States and Canada. They were collecting funds for field trips, etc. from a group of parents (in a classroom) and depositing the sum in one transaction into one of the mentioned accounts.

Their on-boarding process was frictionless for teachers. By knowing what country a school or teacher was in (Canada or US to start), the client needed to collect funds on their behalf right away with Stripe Connect Custom (manual transfers). The first time funds were due to a school for an engagement/event/trip, at that time the bank (most minimal) information would be required for the user to deposit into their account. A 1.5% transaction fee, plus all Stripe fees would be applied on top of the funds needed by the school. Funds would be gathered by the platform and put though as a single transaction to save on fees.

Stripe’s Background

Connect is a feature that allow users to create a platform where they can connect sub-accounts to collect funds and payout third-parties. With this feature one will be able to collect payments on behalf of your users and transfer it to them with ease.

Our Solution

The solution was to build this similar to an escrow system. The SaaS platform had a bank account where all the funds were kept. The funds were disbursed as per the instructions of the teacher handling the account. The stack would be a .NET Core and SQLServer on Azure.

Technology Used

  • C#

  • .net core

  • API

  • SQLServer

  • Stripe

  • Connect

  • KYC

  • ID

  • OAuth



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Third-Party Integration




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